About Teton West Colorado LLC

Dave Cordle Owner and Sales Manager
Dave hails from the great state of Iowa, as he puts it “where the corn grows straight & tall.” Dave started in the building materials industry while attending college in 1977. He moved to Colorado in ’85 and started working for Teton in 1986. Dave loves his family, music, his pet dogs, the Minnesota Vikings and the Iowa Hawkeyes. He is also an avid collector of old Rock and Roll memorabilia handbills and posters.

Steve Mather Operations Manager
Steve has an extensive background in operations, accounting and logistics. Steve became a member of the Teton West Colorado team shortly after it started in 2017 and has become an integral part of what it is now. Steve is a hiker, skier and enjoys mountain biking.

Dan Colgan Mill Sales Coordinator
Born in Montana and a graduate of the forest industry he was once a smoke jumper and fought forest fires as a young man. Dan has had a passion for the lumber industry and forestry his entire life. Dan has worked in the lumber business since 1962. He founded Teton West Lumber 44 years ago, and more recently has been instrumental in helping to start Teton West Colorado. It could be said that Dan is one of the more faithful and outspoken advocates of the lumber industry and has always been selfless towards his fellow lumberman. Dan has been an avid fisherman and snow skier for many years and a recent retired member of the Snowy Range ski patrol.

Pat Stanosheck Sales
Pat grew up in Nebraska and started in the lumber business in 1969. He moved to Cheyenne to start working with Teton in 1977 and has been with them ever since. Pat enjoys his Saturdays watching Nebraska Cornhusker football games. He’s been an avid outdoorsman his whole life and has hunted all over the world. He enjoys hiking in the mountains whenever he can and is an avid coin collector. He also participates heavily in the local trapshooting club.

Greg Bischof Sales
Greg is another Nebraska native. He got involved in the lumber business back in 1960 and eventually moved to Cheyenne in 1977 where he began working for Teton West Lumber. Greg enjoys classic cars, hot rods and has built more than one or two in his lifetime as he’s pretty handy with a wrench. Greg has taken a keen interest over the past few years in RC airplanes and flies as often as he can.

Cal Pulis Sales
Cal was born and raised in Oklahoma. After high school Cal moved to Washington to attend college. While working through college he met and married his wife, Doris. Cal went on to work for P&G and eventually connected with Teton West Lumber when he moved to Cheyenne in 1978. In 1984 Cal then moved to Missoula, MT where he opened an office for Teton West. Cal ran the Missoula operation for 25 years before eventually settling in Bend, OR where he now resides and works out of his home. Cal’s hobbies include woodworking, camping, RV-ing and has been an avid history buff his whole life.

Lexie Cordle Sales
Lexie is a Colorado native who recently began learning the lumber business in the footsteps of her father. Prior to, she trained as a professional chef and worked seasonally in Alaska and Oregon. After
years of traveling and missing home she traded in her seasonal job to help carry on what is turning into the family business. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with loved ones, cooking, hiking, fishing,
traveling and just enjoying life.